This land is your land? This land is my land - USA
Empire. Gone. Tried to conquer with force. Bad. Again. Really bad. Conquer with money. - Germany
We were once really important but now we make pasta and shoes. – Italy
Glowing in the dark since 1986. – Ukraine
All is fine. No more questions. Eternal President will lead us to victory. – North Korea
Looks like the sea wants to kill us again. – The Netherlands
We love you England, but get out, please. – Canada
Two world wars, one cup – England
Sure we'll take your money. – Switzerland
Sure we'll go for a walk. - Navajo Nation
Criminals placed on an island that is repeatedly trying to kill them. – Australia
Proud back to back World War avoiders. – Sweden
Thanks so much, Sweden. First you fight Novgorod over us, and then you leave us out in the cold. – Finland
Went to war with everyone for centuries, surrender once, are called a country of pussies forever. - France
We are one of the oldest and wisest cultures. Welcome to Dell technical support, my name is Steve. – India
Vodka, monarchs, oppression, space, hockey, new flag, Putin, vodka. – Russia
Muslims in India hated Hindus. Created new country for muslims. No hindus. Hate each other. – Pakistan
Maori come and kill birds. Whites come and kill Maori. Lord of the Rings filmed. – New Zealand
We had a huge empire, now everyone thinks we're Spain. – Portugal
No potatoes. Potatoes. No potatoes. Fine, thanks. – Ireland
No potatoes. – Latvia
Stuff frozen. Stuff slightly less frozen. – Antarctica
We did a bunch of shit for mankind like 10000 years ago, now we're bankrupt. – Greece
Raped, looted and pillaged our way to being the most content people in the world. – Denmark
Viking glory. Ruled by others. Oil. – Norway
Digest with re-edit from here.